Mexican Literature

When we speak of distinctive characteristics of the Mexican literary genre with that of the rest of the world, without a doubt we must take the following as the most characteristic:
The frequent use of topics related to poverty, economic and social inequality and the Mexican revolution.
It is quite common to find in the texts topics that are socially frequent and worrying in Mexico , taking into account the little importance that has been had over the years the little intention to include indigenous communities, along with their traditions and culture .


A Large number of authors were born from the current of nihilism to make their literary works.Modern México has had great problems in its progress as a developed society of these problems, several.


 It could be said that Mexican literary history does not begin until the century XVIII. Before the beginning of the colony, there were already different pre-Hispanic literary descriptions and of the colonial elaboration itself in the stories and chronicles of authors such as Sahagún, Alba Ixtlixoxhitl, among others. 

However, it was not until the last years of the colony when criticism began to be exposed and historiographic studies focused on literary activity were carried out.


Prehispanic period

The most recognized productions of the pre-Cortesian era derive from the Mixteca, Maya and Nahuatl. The Mixtec civilization left a large number of vestiges on tablets, ceramics, paintings, bones, and books that carried pictographic representations of the Oaxacan area.

Conquest Period 

Going through Hernán Cortés’s Letters of Relationship to Antonio Solís’s History of the Conquest of Mexico, there is a large number of pen stories written by different authors of the time, highlighting López de Gómara, Andrés de Tapia or the stories of the missionaries, such as Fray Bernardino de Sahagún or Motolin

Twentieth century

A great cultural tradition and the most recent modernist and positivist experience paved the way for a new century full of events. Starting with the fight between the modernist impulse of the Porfiriato against the rebellion of the youth of the Athenaeum, led by the Dominican Pedro Henríquez Ureña. The Youth Athenaeum proposed a total modification and gave a new impulse to cultural life.

Genres of literature Mexican

The first genre that stands out in Mexican literature is the Lyric, the epistle and the chronicle, which were used during the Spanish viceroyalty.


During Mexican independence, in the 19th century, the genres that stood out most in Mexican literature were essays, poetry, short stories, and novels.


Already for the XX and XXI century, the genre of poetry, essays, stories and novels is strengthened, but historians and playwrights are born, these being very important for the formation of a theatrical and novelistic culture that has been representative of Mexican culture.

La Literatura Mexicana descubre su evolución y obras mas conocidas. (s. f.). Recuperado 5 de noviembre de 2020, de

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